Saturday, March 17, 2012

Wednesday April 11th

Results are in and our next meeting will be Wednesday April 11th, and we'll be watching the movie version to The Help as well.  If anyone has access to a copy they'd be willing to bring along let us know...  We'll post the meeting room once we book it.

Good luck with finishing up the semester, and we'll see you on the 11th!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Next Meeting (Finally!)

Hello Bookworms! 

We apologize for the unannounced hiatus; we're both graduating this year and these last few months are proving to be rather overwhelming.  We will bring you apology baked goods at our next meeting!

There are two polls up on the blog, one to choose the meeting date, and one to decide if we should watch the movie version of The Help at the meeting (we will try to book a better room than the one we had for the Sherlock Holmes movie!).  For meeting dates, we've got three possibilities clustered right around the end of term to hopefully catch you after all your final papers are due and before exams start: Sunday April 8th, Monday April 9th (this is Easter Monday so there's no school), or Wednesday April 11th (the day after the last class and before the first exam).  Voting will close on Saturday at noon so have your say before then.

Two more things you may want to start thinking about: 1: if we should keep meeting through the summer, and 2: if anyone who will still be attending Ottawa U next year would like to take over running the club.  If you're interested let us know at the next meeting, or by email if you can't attend it, and we'll fill you in on the details of what's required to run the club.

We'll hope to see you at the next (possibly last!) meeting!

Thea and Naomi