Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Picture of Dorian Gray: Bonus Materials

Hello Bookworms!

I hope that you had a fabulous June filled with dark secrets, magical artwork and mysterious deaths - in our novel, of course!

I'm still waiting to get confirmation on the room location, so similar to last month, our Plan A will be to meet outside on the lawn between Morisset Library and Fauteux (outside the cafeteria), and our Plan B will be to meet wherever they decide to let us hold our meeting indoors! I'll update you as soon as I know the location.

I'd like to post next month's genre poll right after the meeting on Sunday to make sure we get the ball rolling as quickly as possible for next month. Bring your genre suggestions to the meeting, or submit them as a comment on this post or an email to uottawabookworms@gmail.com. Additionally, if you have a preference for meeting times, please let me know so that I can include those in our next meeting vote.

Now for the fun stuff! I've compiled some goodies about this month's book, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde! The subject matter was... dark, to say the least, so I'm afraid the bonus materials aren't exactly pick-me-ups, but they're interesting nonetheless! Feel free to check out these links:
I'll post again in a few days with the meeting location, and I'm excited to see you all at the meeting this Sunday, July 8 at 1PM!

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