Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sprinkle With Murder - Meeting on Saturday, Sept 29 at 2PM

Hi Bookworms!

The votes are in, and this month's meeting will take place this coming Saturday, Sept 29 at 2PM.  We'll announce the location as soon as we have a room booked.  Thanks to everyone who voted!

If you can't make it to this month's meeting, don't worry!  We'll vote for a new meeting time next month.  If there is a time that would be better for you that wasn't in the list this month, send us an email and we'll include it in next month's poll (provided we're available at that time as well).

We'll be discussing genres and books for next month at the meeting, so start brainstorming!  If you can't make it to the meeting, feel free to send us an email with your suggestions for genres or books to read.

We'll post again once we have a meeting location.  Until then, happy reading!

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