Thursday, June 23, 2011

Game of Thrones

Votes are in and we'll be discussing George R. R. Martin's Game of Thrones at our next meeting, which will be held some time in September; we'll send out a poll to pick the date in the last week of August. 

For anyone who's not aware, this is the first book of a series that is being adapted for television by HBO: the first season just concluded, and--if you don't mind rampant nudity and violence--it's a darn good time. 

Enjoy the rest of your summer and we'll hope to see some of you again in September!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Vote on a Long Book for September's Meeting

Well, we didn't get very many suggestions, but enough to have a vote.  Cast your vote by Tuesday at midnight and we'll post the winner on Wednesday. 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Summer Hiatus, Long Book, and Recommendations

We both have busy summers ahead of us, and most people seem to be busy or out of town for most of the summer, so we've decided to put the club on hiatus until September. 

However, we thought it might be fun to read a long book over the summer to discuss at our first meeting in the fall, so if you have a suggestion for a long book email it to us by Friday. 

Also, if you read any books you think others might enjoy send us an email with the title and a brief paragraph describing what makes the book so good and we'll post it on the blog for the benefit of all the Bookworms!