Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Summer reading... (had me a blast...)

Oh, the hilarity!  SUCH A CLEVER TITLE!

And on that note, we (Sam and Steph) are taking over the uOttawa Bookworms since our beloved Thea and Naomi are both graduating this year!

First things first: we'll be holding meetings over the summer, and the first set of polls are up!  Please vote for a genre and a meeting date - both polls will close on Wednesday, May 2nd at 11:59 pm.  We'll vote on a book after that.

We've also done a few renovations on the blog.  Be sure to take a look at some of the new features - we've added a "This Month's Meeting" tab to keep you updated on current events.  We've also added a Recommended Reads section, so if you have any books that you've enjoyed reading, please send us an email with the title and author so we can make a more comprehensive list!  Finally, we've added a Bookshelf section to keep track of the books we read.

We're very excited and hope to see you all at the next meeting!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Meeting Postponed (sorry!)

Hey There Bookworms,

Everything kind of fell apart with this meeting. The room reservation got mixed up by the long weekend and Naomi's work schedule means she wouldn't be able to come either.

We'd like to reschedule for the end of the month.  And since since so few of you will be around, how about those of you who will be email us some days you'll be available. 

We're sorry about all the delays and mix-ups lately!

Sam and Steph have kindly agreed to take over the club duties for next year, so this isn't the end of the Bookworms.  We'll hope to see some of you at the end of April, and for everyone else, good luck on your exams and have a great summer!