Thursday, June 14, 2012

June: The Picture of Dorian Gray

Well, Bookworms, it looks like we'll be going wild in June - Oscar Wilde that is!  This month's winning selection is The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde.

Thank you to everyone who voted, and we hope to see you all at the meeting on Sunday, July 8 at 1PM.  We'll post a location closer to the date.

See you then!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Victoriana: Let's pick a book!

We had a couple of ties this month, so here are the results:

For the meeting time, there was a tie between Sat, June 30 at 1PM and Sun July 8 at 1PM.  Since last month's meeting was on a Saturday, we figured we'd do this month's on a Sunday!  So this month's meeting will be on Sunday, July 8th at 1PM.

There was also a 3-way tie for the genre, so we removed our votes (we figured it would be more fair to take our votes out to break the tie than to vote twice!) and that means that the winner is Victoriana!

The poll is up now for the five books in the Victoriana genre - it's pretty cool because they're all "classics"!  Here's some info about each of the options:

Please keep in mind that some of these novels are rather lengthy, so let that be a factor in your book decision!  You can see the number of pages if you click on the links.

Vote for any that you're interested in!  The poll will close on Wednesday, June 13th at 11:59PM and we'll announce the winning book on Thursday.

Happy voting!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June: Genre and Meeting Time

Hey Bookworms!

Thanks to those of you who came to our meeting on Saturday!  Now it's time to make some decisions about our next meeting.

You can vote now for a genre and for a meeting time - just check out the polls on the right side of the website!  Vote for as many genres as you're interested in.

For the meeting date and time, vote for any time slots that work for you.  We realize that the weekend of June 30 is the Canada Day long weekend, so we've put time slots for both the long weekend and the weekend after, so keep that in mind!

Both of these polls will close on Friday, June 8th at 11:59pm, and we'll announce the results on Saturday and set up a poll for a book.

If you have any suggestions for any of the genres, please email us or leave it as a comment on this post.  Then we can include it in the options once we set up a book poll!  This month's genre options are:

  • Victoriana (think Oscar Wilde and Jane Austen)
  • Biography or autobiography
  • Thriller (this was last month's runner up, so we thought we would include it again!)
If you have any suggestions, let us know, and make sure to get your votes in by Friday!

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Weather has spoken...

Hey this is just a quick update about the meeting. Looking ahead at the forecast we see rain, therefore the meeting will be held indoors in UCU 205. See you then!