Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Bookworms will resume in September - and we'll be missing you!

Dearest Bookworms,

Steph and I are both graduating, and last week was our final meeting with the Bookworms.  A few members of the club have stepped forward to take over the executive positions, and we'll leave it to them to introduce themselves!  At the meeting, we decided to break from the club over the summer, so there won't be any meetings over the next few months.  The new leadership will take over the club in September.

We both want to thank everyone who participated in the club - for the great book suggestions, the delicious baked goods and the interesting discussions.  We've both been members since first year so it's very bittersweet to be graduating.  The Bookworms has been a great place to chat, drink tea, and spend time with fellow book lovers.  We've had such a positive experience in the club and we're very much going to miss all of you fine people!

Best of luck with everything, and we hope you have a great time in the club next year.  A fond farewell to you all!


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Bookworms next year?

Hi Bookworms!

First, we have a room booked for next Sunday.  We'll be meeting in UCU206, down the hall from the Tim Horton's in the university centre.

Next, we want to let you all know that we are both graduating this year, so the book club will need new leadership!  If you are interested in taking over the club, please send us an email by next Wednesday (Mar 20), and indicate if you will be attending the meeting on Sun, Mar 24.  The current constitution has roles for two co-presidents, a treasurer and a secretary, but those positions are definitely not set in stone - you do NOT have to indicate in your email which position you would like.  We will either have a separate meeting with those interested, or if all the interested people can attend on Sunday, we will discuss it as our first order of business then.  Running the club is not a lot of work - mainly just updating the website and attending the meetings - and anyone can take over!  Once again, if you're interested in running the club in any capacity, please send us an email ( by Wed, Mar 20, and indicate whether you will attend the meeting on Sunday.  We'll send out more information once we have heard back from you.

Thank you Bookworms and it's been wonderful being a part of this club with all of you!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Meeting Sun, Mar 24 @2PM

Thanks for voting, Bookworms - we'll see you on Sun, Mar 24 @2PM!  We'll post the location once we have a room booked.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

March meeting time/date

Hey Bookworms!  The poll is now available to vote for a meeting date and time.  We picked the week of Mar 18-24 because the following week has the Easter long weekend, which makes things a bit more complicated.  The poll will close this Sunday Mar 10 at 6PM so get your votes in!